
Here is the lovely WildLorette from livejasmin. She is very friendly with a great sense of humor. Lorette has a great smile and is attentive to her visitors. You can check out all her livejasmin photos by clicking here. You can also catch her on, and She really is an enchanting young lady, youre gonna love her!
8 members

Ewa Sonnet is Polands favorite busty model! But beyond that, she is also a glamour model and a pop singer. Stunningly beautiful as you can see in her photos, she certainly deserves all the attention she gets :) You can read more about Ewa on her Wiki Page. Check out Ewa's website as well, it is surely a nice place to visit.
2 members

- Have you ever been victimized by squirrels? -
Have you ever been a victim of squirrel violence and/or mischief? Ever swerve your car to avoid street frolicking squirrels and crash or nearly crash your vehicle? Did you miss your favorite television program because a bushy tailed squirrel spawn of satan chewed through your cable wire? Have you ever been hit squarely in the forehead by an acorn that was lobbed by a squirrel? If you answered yes to any of these questions you are a victim of squirrel related violence and you have come to the right place for anti squirrel supporters!
- What the squirrels don't want you to know -
You've seen them high up in the trees and inside shrubs big and small. On the busiest city streets and most remote of meadows. They can swim and scale vertical walls. Their teeth and claws are sharp and can rend flesh easier than a fat kid can eat his way through a wall made of fudge. Squirrels have an agenda that you might not know about. Sure they look cute and harmless, seeming to live their lives eating nuts, playing in the trees, and chasing each other across your front lawn. The fact is they have far bigger plans: Global domination and human enslavement. This Anti Squirrel page is here to tell you what the squirrels don't want you to know.
12 members
25 members